Source code for doctr.local

The code that should be run locally

import json
import uuid
import base64
import subprocess
import re
import urllib
import datetime
import time
import webbrowser

import requests

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding, rsa
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serialization

from .common import red, blue, green, bold, input

Travis_APIv2 = {'Accept': 'application/vnd.travis-ci.2.1+json'}
Travis_APIv3 = {"Travis-API-Version": "3"}

[docs]def encrypt_variable(variable, build_repo, *, tld='.org', public_key=None, travis_token=None, **login_kwargs): """ Encrypt an environment variable for ``build_repo`` for Travis ``variable`` should be a bytes object, of the form ``b'ENV=value'``. ``build_repo`` is the repo that ``doctr deploy`` will be run from. It should be like 'drdoctr/doctr'. ``tld`` should be ``'.org'`` for and ``'.com'`` for ``public_key`` should be a pem format public key, obtained from Travis if not provided. If the repo is private, travis_token should be as returned by ``get_temporary_token(**login_kwargs)``. A token being present automatically implies ``tld='.com'``. """ if not isinstance(variable, bytes): raise TypeError("variable should be bytes") if not b"=" in variable: raise ValueError("variable should be of the form 'VARIABLE=value'") if not public_key: _headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'MyClient/1.0.0', } headersv2 = {**_headers, **Travis_APIv2} headersv3 = {**_headers, **Travis_APIv3} if travis_token: headersv3['Authorization'] = 'token {}'.format(travis_token) res = requests.get('{build_repo}/key_pair/generated'.format(build_repo=urllib.parse.quote(build_repo, safe='')), headers=headersv3) if res.json().get('file') == 'not found': raise RuntimeError("Could not find the Travis public key for %s" % build_repo) public_key = res.json()['public_key'] else: res = requests.get('https://api.travis-ci{tld}/repos/{build_repo}/key'.format(build_repo=build_repo, tld=tld), headers=headersv2) public_key = res.json()['key'] if res.status_code == raise RuntimeError('Could not find requested repo on Travis. Is Travis enabled?') res.raise_for_status() public_key = public_key.replace("RSA PUBLIC KEY", "PUBLIC KEY").encode('utf-8') key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(public_key, backend=default_backend()) pad = padding.PKCS1v15() return base64.b64encode(key.encrypt(variable, pad))
[docs]def encrypt_to_file(contents, filename): """ Encrypts ``contents`` and writes it to ``filename``. ``contents`` should be a bytes string. ``filename`` should end with ``.enc``. Returns the secret key used for the encryption. Decrypt the file with :func:`doctr.travis.decrypt_file`. """ if not filename.endswith('.enc'): raise ValueError("%s does not end with .enc" % filename) key = Fernet.generate_key() fer = Fernet(key) encrypted_file = fer.encrypt(contents) with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(encrypted_file) return key
[docs]class AuthenticationFailed(Exception): pass
[docs]def GitHub_login(client_id, *, headers=None, scope='repo'): """ Login to GitHub. This uses the device authorization flow. client_id should be the client id for your GitHub application. See 'scope' should be the scope for the access token ('repo' by default). See Returns an access token. """ _headers = headers or {} headers = {"accept": "application/json", **_headers} r ="", {"client_id": client_id, "scope": scope}, headers=headers) GitHub_raise_for_status(r) result = r.json() device_code = result['device_code'] user_code = result['user_code'] verification_uri = result['verification_uri'] expires_in = result['expires_in'] interval = result['interval'] request_time = time.time() print("Go to", verification_uri, "and enter this code:") print() print(bold(user_code)) print() input("Press Enter to open a webbrowser to " + verification_uri) while True: time.sleep(interval) now = time.time() if now - request_time > expires_in: print("Did not receive a response in time. Please try again.") return GitHub_login(client_id=client_id, headers=headers, scope=scope) # Try once before opening in case the user already did it r ="", {"client_id": client_id, "device_code": device_code, "grant_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:device_code"}, headers=headers) GitHub_raise_for_status(r) result = r.json() if "error" in result: # error = result['error'] if error == "authorization_pending": if 0: print("No response from GitHub yet: trying again") continue elif error == "slow_down": # We are polling too fast somehow. This adds 5 seconds to the # poll interval, which we increase by 6 just to be sure it # doesn't happen again. interval += 6 continue elif error == "expired_token": print("GitHub token expired. Trying again...") return GitHub_login(client_id=client_id, headers=headers, scope=scope) elif error == "access_denied": raise AuthenticationFailed("User canceled authorization") else: # The remaining errors, "unsupported_grant_type", # "incorrect_client_credentials", and "incorrect_device_code" # mean the above request was incorrect somehow, which # indicates a bug. Or GitHub added a new error type, in which # case this code needs to be updated. raise AuthenticationFailed("Unexpected error when authorizing with GitHub:", error) else: return result['access_token']
[docs]class GitHubError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]def GitHub_raise_for_status(r): """ Call instead of r.raise_for_status() for GitHub requests Checks for common GitHub response issues and prints messages for them. """ # This will happen if the doctr session has been running too long and the # OTP code gathered from GitHub_login has expired. # TODO: Refactor the code to re-request the OTP without exiting. if r.status_code == 401 and r.headers.get('X-GitHub-OTP'): raise GitHubError("The two-factor authentication code has expired. Please run doctr configure again.") if r.status_code == 403 and r.headers.get('X-RateLimit-Remaining') == '0': reset = int(r.headers['X-RateLimit-Reset']) limit = int(r.headers['X-RateLimit-Limit']) reset_datetime = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(reset, datetime.timezone.utc) relative_reset_datetime = reset_datetime - # Based on datetime.timedelta.__str__ mm, ss = divmod(relative_reset_datetime.seconds, 60) hh, mm = divmod(mm, 60) def plural(n): return n, abs(n) != 1 and "s" or "" s = "%d minute%s" % plural(mm) if hh: s = "%d hour%s, " % plural(hh) + s if relative_reset_datetime.days: s = ("%d day%s, " % plural(relative_reset_datetime.days)) + s authenticated = limit >= 100 message = """\ Your GitHub API rate limit has been hit. GitHub allows {limit} {un}authenticated requests per hour. See {documentation_url} for more information. """.format(limit=limit, un="" if authenticated else "un", documentation_url=r.json()["documentation_url"]) if authenticated: message += """ Note that GitHub's API limits are shared across all oauth applications. A common cause of hitting the rate limit is the Travis "sync account" button. """ else: message += """ You can get a higher API limit by authenticating. Try running doctr configure again without the --no-upload-key flag. """ message += """ Your rate limits will reset in {s}.\ """.format(s=s) raise GitHubError(message) r.raise_for_status()
[docs]def GitHub_post(data, url, *, headers): """ POST the data ``data`` to GitHub. Returns the json response from the server, or raises on error status. """ r =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data)) GitHub_raise_for_status(r) return r.json()
[docs]def get_travis_token(*, GitHub_token=None, **login_kwargs): """ Generate a temporary token for authenticating with Travis The GitHub token can be passed in to the ``GitHub_token`` keyword argument. If no token is passed in, a GitHub token is generated temporarily, and then immediately deleted. This is needed to activate a private repo Returns the secret token. It should be added to the headers like headers['Authorization'] = "token {}".format(token) """ _headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'User-Agent': 'MyClient/1.0.0', } headersv2 = {**_headers, **Travis_APIv2} token_id = None try: if not GitHub_token: print(green("I need to generate a temporary token with GitHub to authenticate with Travis. You may get a warning email from GitHub about this.")) print(green("It will be deleted immediately. If you still see it after this at after please delete it manually.")) # /auth/github doesn't seem to exist in the Travis API v3. tok_dict = generate_GitHub_token(scopes=["read:org", "user:email", "repo"], note="temporary token for doctr to auth against travis (delete me)", **login_kwargs) GitHub_token = tok_dict['token'] token_id = tok_dict['id'] data = {'github_token': GitHub_token} res ='', data=json.dumps(data), headers=headersv2) return res.json()['access_token'] finally: if token_id: delete_GitHub_token(token_id, **login_kwargs)
[docs]def generate_GitHub_token(*, note="Doctr token for pushing to gh-pages from Travis", scopes=None, **login_kwargs): """ Generate a GitHub token for pushing from Travis The scope requested is public_repo. If no password or OTP are provided, they will be requested from the command line. The token created here can be revoked at """ if scopes is None: scopes = ['public_repo'] AUTH_URL = "" data = { "scopes": scopes, "note": note, "note_url": "", "fingerprint": str(uuid.uuid4()), } return GitHub_post(data, AUTH_URL, **login_kwargs)
[docs]def delete_GitHub_token(token_id, *, headers): """Delete a temporary GitHub token""" r = requests.delete('{id}'.format(id=token_id), headers=headers) GitHub_raise_for_status(r)
[docs]def upload_GitHub_deploy_key(deploy_repo, ssh_key, *, read_only=False, title="Doctr deploy key for pushing to gh-pages from Travis", **login_kwargs): """ Uploads a GitHub deploy key to ``deploy_repo``. If ``read_only=True``, the deploy_key will not be able to write to the repo. """ DEPLOY_KEY_URL = "{deploy_repo}/keys".format(deploy_repo=deploy_repo) data = { "title": title, "key": ssh_key, "read_only": read_only, } return GitHub_post(data, DEPLOY_KEY_URL, **login_kwargs)
[docs]def generate_ssh_key(): """ Generates an SSH deploy public and private key. Returns (private key, public key), a tuple of byte strings. """ key = rsa.generate_private_key( backend=default_backend(), public_exponent=65537, key_size=4096 ) private_key = key.private_bytes( serialization.Encoding.PEM, serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8, serialization.NoEncryption()) public_key = key.public_key().public_bytes( serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH, serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH ) return private_key, public_key
[docs]def check_repo_exists(deploy_repo, service='github', *, headers=None, ask=False): """ Checks that the repository exists on GitHub. This should be done before attempting generate a key to deploy to that repo. Raises ``RuntimeError`` if the repo is not valid. Returns a dictionary with the following keys: - 'private': Indicates whether or not the repo requires authorization to access. Private repos require authorization. - 'service': For service='travis', is '' or '', depending on which should be used. Otherwise it is just equal to ``service``. For service='travis', if ask=True, it will ask at the command line if both and exist. If ask=False, service='travis' will check first and only check if it doesn't exist. ask=True does nothing for service='github', service='', service=''. """ headers = headers or {} if deploy_repo.count("/") != 1: raise RuntimeError('"{deploy_repo}" should be in the form username/repo'.format(deploy_repo=deploy_repo)) user, repo = deploy_repo.split('/') if service == 'github': REPO_URL = '{user}/{repo}' elif service == 'travis' or service == '': REPO_URL = '{user}%2F{repo}' headers = {**headers, **Travis_APIv3} elif service == '': REPO_URL = '{user}%2F{repo}' headers = {**headers, **Travis_APIv3} else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid service specified for repo check (should be one of {"github", "travis", "", ""}') wiki = False if repo.endswith('.wiki') and service == 'github': wiki = True repo = repo[:-5] def _try(url): r = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if r.status_code in [,]: return False if service == 'github': GitHub_raise_for_status(r) else: r.raise_for_status() return r r = _try(REPO_URL.format(user=urllib.parse.quote(user), repo=urllib.parse.quote(repo))) r_active = r and (service == 'github' or r.json().get('active', False)) if service == 'travis': REPO_URL = '{user}%2F{repo}' r_org = _try(REPO_URL.format(user=urllib.parse.quote(user), repo=urllib.parse.quote(repo))) r_org_active = r_org and r_org.json().get('active', False) if not r_active: if not r_org_active: raise RuntimeError('"{user}/{repo}" not found on or'.format(user=user, repo=repo)) r = r_org r_active = r_org_active service = '' else: if r_active and r_org_active: if ask: while True: print(green("{user}/{repo} appears to exist on both and".format(user=user, repo=repo))) preferred = input("Which do you want to use? [{default}/] ".format(default=blue(""))) preferred = preferred.lower().strip() if preferred in ['o', 'org', '.org', '']: r = r_org service = '' break elif preferred in ['c', 'com', '.com', '', '']: service = '' break else: print(red("Please type '' or ''.")) else: service = '' else: # .com but not .org. service = '' if not r_active: msg = '' if 'Authorization' in headers else '. If the repo is private, then you need to authenticate.' raise RuntimeError('"{user}/{repo}" not found on {service}{msg}'.format(user=user, repo=repo, service=service, msg=msg)) private = r.json().get('private', False) if wiki and not private: # private wiki needs authentication, so skip check for existence p =['git', 'ls-remote', '-h', '{user}/{repo}.wiki'.format( user=user, repo=repo)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False) if p.stderr or p.returncode: raise RuntimeError('Wiki not found. Please create a wiki') return { 'private': private, 'service': service, }
GIT_URL = re.compile(r'(?:git@|https://|git://)github\.com[:/](.*?)(?:\.git)?')
[docs]def guess_github_repo(): """ Guesses the github repo for the current directory Returns False if no guess can be made. """ p =['git', 'ls-remote', '--get-url', 'origin'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=False) if p.stderr or p.returncode: return False url = p.stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() m = GIT_URL.fullmatch(url) if not m: return False return