Notes for testing doctr

GitHub Test Authentication

Many of the doctr tests in doctr/tests/ contact GitHub to check that invalid repo names raise errors, etc. However, the GitHub API has a hard limit of 60 requests / hour for unauthenticated requests and it is very easy to run over this when pushing many changes.

In order to avoid this limit, there is a GitHub Personal Access Token stored in the doctr Travis account that is available as the environment variable $TESTING_TOKEN.

To regenerate / change this token, first go to GitHub Settings and create a Personal Access Token. Make sure that all of the checkboxes are unchecked (this token should only have privileges to check in with the GitHub API).

You can add the updated token to Travis on the doctr Travis Settings Page.

Paste the token string into the Value field and TESTING_TOKEN in the Name field (unless you have changed this value in doctr/tests/ cs.

Travis CI is migrating from .org to .com. While the migration is in place, it is possible to enable a repository on both. However, the same repository on each will have different public keys. Doctr presently only supports one at a time. On Travis itself, there is little difference in the doctr code, but there is a lot of code in configure to automatically determine which is enabled.

The repos:

Are enabled on Travis CI .com, .org, both, and neither. To enable a repo on .org, go to and make sure it is checked. To enable a repo on .com, go to the Travis CI Apps settings on GitHub, and make sure “only selected repositories” is enabled with those repos that should be enabled.

There are automated tests in the test suite that check the function that determines which of .org/.com it is enabled on, which test against these repos (test_check_repo_exists_org_com).

Private Repositories

Doctr also supports private repositories on GitHub. GitHub allows free private repositories, but they must be made on a user account, not the drdoctr org.

To build a private repo, you have to use The free plan only allows 100 builds, so you might have to make a new user to continue testing. Unless we get a paid plan, testing should only be done manually, when necessary.

GitHub does not allow GitHub pages on private repositories on the free plan, but you can just manually verify that things are pushed to the gh-pages branch.