========================= Doctr Command Line Help ========================= .. autoprogram:: doctr.__main__:get_parser() :prog: doctr Configuration ------------- In addition to command line arguments you can configure ``doctr`` using the ``.travis.yml`` files. Command line arguments take precedence over the value present in the configuration file. The configuration parameters available from the ``.travis.yml`` file mirror their command line siblings except doubledashes ``--`` and ``--no-`` prefix are dropped. Use a ``doctr`` section in your ``travis.yml`` file to store your doctr configuration: .. code:: yaml - language: python - script: - set -e - py.test - cd docs - make html - cd .. - doctr deploy . - doctr: - key-path : 'path/to/key/from/repo/root/path.key' - deploy-repo : 'myorg/myrepo' The following options are available from the configuration file and not from the command line: ``branches``: A list of regular expression that matches branches on which ``doctr`` should still deploy the documentation. For example ``.*\.x`` will deploy all branches like ``3.x``, ``4.x`` ...